Thursday 30 June 2011

The Quest for Shiny Hair

The sun, sea and chlorine are all making my hair very dull and dry. My mission is to find the best products for healthy,silky,shiny hair.

I have tried a lot of products...

Ojon. I read about it, and it sounded like a little miracle for the hair. When i opened the jar, I thought it had gone off. It looked strange, but it actually melts into the hand, a bit like cocoa butter. What I didn't like was the smell. It took me back to the days when there was smoke in bars and restaurants, and my hoar would smell of stale tobacco. No, I don't think so. The smell is too off putting, even though the results were impressive

One product I particularly like is Kerastase Elixir Ultime by L'Oreal.
It smells lovely, and Yes my hair is definitely shinier. Fabulous! But at  a price,£33.50 to be exact.  Tell me I am worth it.

One thing that does work, and costs nothing is rinsing in cold water. It seals the hair cuticle. Honestly.

Many people use an acidic product, like apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in the final rinse. Someone also recommended coconut milk to me. I have yet to try that.


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